Advantages Disadvantages
Flexibility about when and how much income you can take (from flexi-access drawdown schemes). There is an element of risk - investments may fall and your pension fund could decrease, which could mean a significant decrease in future income or you could run out of money.
Flexibility to decide how much of your fund you want to invest where – whether that’s choosing a ‘low risk’ fund, a ‘higher risk’ fund that may provide a better return, or a mixture of both. Fees will usually be charged for administration and investment management. The costs associated with these arrangements can be high.
On your death, up to age 75, the remaining drawdown fund can be returned to your beneficiaries as a tax free lump sum, or they can continue to receive the income tax-free through drawdown. If you die age 75 or above, the remaining drawdown fund can be returned to your beneficiaries as income or lump sum (though it will get added to their other incomes and taxed at their marginal rate). Generally, smaller fund sizes are unlikely to survive a prolonged fall in investment performance.
You can still secure a guaranteed income later on in your retirement provided you still have the funds to do so. The amount of income you would receive is not guaranteed; charges may apply when you take an income; or the rates used in converting your pension pot into a guaranteed income for life may change over time. So if you choose to buy a guaranteed income for life (through an annuity) at a later date then the amount of income you'll receive may be more or less than if you had bought an annuity earlier.
  If you take income from flexi-access drawdown (or withdraw more than the limit set by HM Revenue & Customs from a capped drawdown plan), you will trigger the Money Purchase Annual Allowance. This means that if you want to continue to contribute to a pension and your contributions (including those of your employer and the tax relief you receive) exceed £4,000 a year, you may incur an additional tax charge.

If you are considering this type of product it is important to get some guidance or advice about its suitability for your personal circumstances.

Your financial intermediary can provide advice but if you don't currently have one, you can find someone local to you at MoneyHelper. Alternatively every retiree is entitled to some free guidance from the UK government’s Pension Wise service from MoneyHelper.

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