And there's so much more to help

You can also use our retirement tools and calculators to understand how much you’ll need in retirement, and ensure you understand the risks of running out of money should you choose to use a drawdown product.

Thinking of withdrawing all your pension savings? You can work out how much you're likely to pay in tax too. Learning about the equity you could take out of your home is also worth considering - especially because it may or may not be the best option for you.

Don't let jargon get in the way of a better retirement

Retirement planning is an important process - so it's important to make sure the information is as clear as possible. If you come across any words or phrases that you’re not sure about, have a peep in our jargon buster to find out what it means.

Not sure where to start?

For help deciding how to use your pension savings click here. Or if you’re already retired and are looking for ways to make your money and home work harder for you, then click here.

length of retirement

Our longevity tool helps you understand the likelihood of reaching a certain age in retirement.

Budget for your retirement

Our tool helps you understand your income and expenditure through retirement.

Calculate pension tax

If you take some of your pension as cash our tool will help show you how much tax you may pay.

Find out if you have enough money

Thinking about taking a drawdown product in retirement? This tool can show the risk of your pension running out.

Release money from property

Find out how much you could release with our lifetime mortgage calculator.

Jargon Buster

We explain some of the jargon you may come across as you look at financial products.

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Monday to Friday

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